Chasing Cars

Please look both ways before crossing the street.

Friday, May 26, 2006

I'm the Juggernaut Bitch!

Juggy: "I'm the wrong guy to play hide and seek with."

Kitty: "Who's hiding dick head?"

hehe, loved that part.

Ok so for all the bad reviews X3 got there were a few good ones. I personally enjoyed the movie. Sure it wasn't like emmy award winning material, but what comic book movie has been? This will be full of SPOILERS so don't read unless you've either seen the movie or don't give a damn. I suggest you see the movie though, it was worth it. I went at 2:30 and my theatre was packed. Crazy.

Ok so I wasn't sure what to expect with this movie seeing as Brett Ratner directed it. Last night on the tv guide channel they were doing interviews with the cast and they said the script was so secret no one got one except for Halle Barry and Ratner. He kept his in a vault. The other actors just got the pages with their lines as the movie went along. I was a little iffy about the movie if none of the actors were given real scripts but hey, shame on me. Another thing they mentioned in the interview was that 3 different endings were filmed in secret and no one was alloud to talk about the ending if they were in it. I'm curious what all the endings were.

Storm: Halle Barry did well. From the clips I'd seen from the movie she annoyed me. But I gotta say when it's all happening her lines and acting weren't half bad, not nearly as bad as I was thinking. She had a few cool moves, the spinning/flying thing was neat and she definitley used her powers a lot more. The hair didn't make a lot of sense but hey, I'm no hair dresser.

Beast: aka "Furball" Kelsey Grammer was perfect for Beast. The tention between him and Wolverine was fun. He definitley has the perfect voice for the part, and the makeup turned out better then I had thought it would. He had some intense action scenes that kicked major ass.

Cyclopse: Well I definitley got that he was depessed and angry at the world. James is a good actor that's for sure, I liked the rage. He wasn't in the movie very long though, seeing as how he died. Yup that's right kiddies, that Bitch Phoenix kills him. Well combusts is more like it, though one can only assume that's what happens since they never actually showed it. I didn't really care for Cyclopse so the death didn't really hit me. I gave it a "meh."

Wolverine: aka "Boy" Hugh Jackman does it again. Another perfect casting of course. No one else is Womverine in my eyes, nor will they ever be. Wolverine kicked major ass in this movie for sure. Yay for the fastball special, twice even! The end part where he's trying to get to Jean is intense. Great effects that's for sure. Killing the woman you love isn't easy, but he did what had to be done. I salute you.

Colossus: Not a lot of speaking parts. His hair was silver like the rest of his body, makes more sense then black hair like in the comics if you ask me. Aside from the fastball special and beating the crap out of stuff he didn't really do much. Not that I recall at least.

Rouge: She's a girl. She gets jealous. She leaves. That's her entire role. She left to get the cure so she could get it on with iceman. She claims it's what she wanted but we all know she just wants to mac on Bobby.

Iceman: Cooooooool. Pun intended. Best part was when he went head to head with Pyro. Pyro had the upper hand and pretty much had Bobby on fire, and the whole time I was sitting there I knew what was coming. Full on Iceman! Yea, that rocked.

Kitty Pride: Weeeeeeeee. She's a fun one. Cute too. I think she was like 14 or 15? Anyways I liked her. Best part of course was when she was chasing down Juggernaut. She grabs him and pulls him into the floor, and I knew this was coming! "Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut Bitch!" and then he breaks the floor and continues his rampage, yay. Favorite line of course was "Who's hiding dick head." It got a laugh from pretty much everyone. Another funny part was when her and Bobby jumped out of the jet and went through the ground. Bobby replied "don't ever do that again." another laugh.

Angel: One cool scene and thats it. Angel is my favorite X-men and he was hardley in the movie at all. He was cool, wings seemed a tad fake but thats ok, it didn't really upset me. More Angel! That is all.

Phoenix: One word. BADASS. Or is that two words? Her powers were crazy, I love Famke Janson!! She had great facial expressions, you don't need dialouge with those. When she was angry, you could tell. Bitch killed Xavier. That was the only death out of the entire movie that got ot me. I was shocked, my mouth was litterly hanging open. When she first toys with him my initial reaction was "no...he'll be fine...she can't kill him..." and then..."oh shit...she did!" Talk about crazy.

The three people that loose their powers are Mystique, Rouge, and Magneto. Or does he? You'll see what I mean by the ending. The three people that die are Scott, Jean, and Xavier. Stay for after the credits though and you'll get a surprise. Xavier's alive it seems, but in a different body. I didn't understand it at first until I remembered back to earlier in the movie when he was talking to doctor Moira about Ethics and all that.

Overall I enjoyed it. I'm sure there's going to be some people that are pissed off but I wasn't. I think Brett Ratner did an excellent job and I commend him for it. I'm not saying it was perfect but I was still damn happy with how it turned out. If anyone says it's pure garbage they're lying. I'm not sure how fans of the comics will react but I liked it. Angel should of been in it for more then he was. So yea I'm pleased. I'll most likely see it again this weekend with my roomates as well. It's worth it.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

All Wet

Well this is sort of an update. Blah blah blah, this is pretty much what I did all day. I'm happy with how it turned out, hopefully Kel likes it. I may do a few touch ups here and there but for my first "3d-ish" pic I'm happy with how it turned out.

Monday, May 15, 2006

When it rains

What is it about thunderstorms that's so soothing? I slept with my window open last night so I could hear the rain and thunder, it was nice. So nice that I overslept this morning and was an hour late for work. O well, I make up a third of our Marketing department so they didn't care.

I also had the strangest/oddest/most random dream. I don't recall it completley but I know i was running around in like a warehouse trying to come up with a formula that would turn a robot into a human. I think I decided that we'd need to find a dead body and switch their brains out or something. I dream weird.

I also had a dream that irritated the crap out of me. The one girl I've always loved was in it. We broke up a while ago and I've been fine with things but now she's single again and I dunno. I thought I was over her and I try to convince myself that I am but for some reason i still think about her. I havn't tried to call her because I don't know what I would say or anything. There's no way I'd come right out and tell her I want her back, because in all honesty i don't know if I do or not. It's too confusing to put into words really. This is the point where you wish everything was easy and you knew what path to follow. Everything you do reminds you of her, every song you listen to is about her (or at least it seems that way.) I hate sounding crazy, but thats what love does.

It makes you crazy.

Outside it's raining again.

On a side note I jut got a package from Anastasia. The note reads:

"here's hoping that you remember you requested a t-shirt from seattle. :P
Sorry it's so ridiculously late. I tried to find the lamest, most touristy cheap souvenir type there. how did i do?


She succeded. lol.

Now I have a shirt from Seattle, a stuffed Turtle from Michigan, and sand from California! woot!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

New Tunes

Well today is Tuesday which can only mean one thing,New Music day. I picked up of course Snow Patrol- Eyes Open and Goo Goo Dolls- Let Love In. I have to say that both albums are very impressive. My friend is burning me a copy of the new Red Hot Chili Peppers CD so I'm looking forward to that.

1. You're All I Have
2. Hands Open
3. Chasing Cars
4. Shut Your Eyes
5. It's Beginning To Get To Me
6. You Could Be Happy
7. Make This Go On Forever
8. Set The Fire To The Third Bar
9. Headlights On Dark Roads
10. Open Your Eyes
11. The Finish Line

My favorite tracks so far from Eyes Open are Chasing Cars, It's Beginning to Get Me, and Open Your Eyes.

1. Stay With You
2. Let Love In
3. Feel The Silence
4. Better Days
5. Without You Here
6. Listen
7. Give A Little Bit
8. Can' Let It Go
9. We'll Be Here (When You're Gone)
10. Strange Love
11. Become

My favorite tracks so far from Let Love In are Let Love In, Better Days, and Feel The Silence.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Mission Possible

Ok first of let me say that when I saw previews for MI:III I had no intention what-so-ever of seeing it. Tom Cruse kind of pissed me off after he got all couch jumpy and scientology rocks-ish. I'd seen MI:I and it wasn't a bad film, I was entertained. I don't really remember a lot about the second movie though.

Anyways to the point. After we got back from our 3 mile run this morning my roomates suggested we go see MI:III. I didn't want to because I really didn't care to see it, but since my choices were to go with them or sit home by myself and do nothing I decided I'd go anyways. I figured at least by seeing it I could rip on how terrible it was. Sorry to say I can't rip on it. The movie itself was actually very good. If someone sees it and disagrees, well then kiss my ass. I guess it doesn't take much to entertain me. This was one of the first movies I've seen this year that i actually liked as a whole. Already from the beginning they start you off with action and it never really slows down throughout the entire movie. It is indeed what I'd call fast paced. I'm not going to give a whole review because I don't do those but I will say that the acting was excellent. Laurence Fishburne is great along with Cruise and the rest of the cast. It was weird to see Phillip Hoffman in a more serious role because the only thing I remember him from is Along Came Polly. The action sequences are great, lots of explosions. Poor poor felicity doesn't last very long but she did good with the length of the movie she was in. I'm not going to give anything else away but with all action movies theres usually a twist. One of my roomates figured it out halfway through, me and my feeble mind didn't think of it until the big reveal. o well, I enjoyed it. So if you're thinking about going to see this movie then I say go see it, you won't be dissapointed. And if you are well then scroll up and read the part that says "kiss my ass."

Oh and if you're wondering why there is a picture of Michelle Monaghan, who plays Tom's lover in the movie, up top there it's because she's incredibley hot and I love her. Shut up. Go see the movie.

Also I taught myself how to juggle this past weekend. I rock.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Weeeeeeeell, last night I went out and got drunk. :)

I had to catch up with my roomate, which meant drinking...well chugging 4 beers in under 40 minutes. I havn't drinking in a while so I was feeling good after that. The party we went to was pretty cool, it was mostly girls and tap beer was free. Wasn't too bad tasting either. So spent the night dancing and drinking and hanging out and then we walked back to our place since it's only a 10 minute walk from the party.

I need to start running. I need to get in shape for a 5k I'm running in july. Weee, I hate running but it's for a good cause.

And now summer is here! Today was the last day of class, exams are next week. But still summer, and it's hot and their is a pool party going on right now with my name on it. So with that I go....hopefully I'll get a tan.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Since Saturday I've been stay in bed sick, but unable to stay in bed. Saturday I was sick and coughing like crazy so i couldn't go to my freinds party. I had to lie in bed and do nothing, which i hate doing. I did get some flats done though. Sunday wasn't any better and I had homework to do which sucked, cause sitting up when you feel like you're going to throw up is a bad feeling. I worked on my presentation for class on Monday, and was still coughing. Monday I couldn't stop coughing and I had to give my presentation anyways. They called me "Bird flu giver boy" so i coughed on them and they scattered. So after I made it through my presentation, just barely, my teacher looked at me and said "ok now go home."

So i did. BUT I had class later that day...which I went to reluctantly only to find out that we weren't even having class(fucking teachers not telling you this crap before hand, grrr). So I payed for my classes over the summer and then flew home to get back in bed where I coughed and ached the rest of the night. much fun.

Tuesday I was sick still. It felt like I had elephants standing on my chest, back and head whenever i had coughed, most likely sore from Mondays all day non stop coughing fit. After class I went and got Robitussin, which is the greatest invention ever. I got the one that, "Controls coughs, Loosens and relieves chest congestion, and clears nasal stuffiness. It didn't help right away, but what legal drug does. So I lazed about the apartment the rest of the day feeling like I was going to throw up, and still coughing and had a bad headache. Went to bed early, which I hardly ever do. Then today I woke up and I feel fine. Well i still have a bit of a cough but I don't feel too bad....and as i say that the feeling of nausea runs over me. meh

Tonight there's a graduation party for this girl. Supposed to be one big drunk fest...sadly I'm considerign going but who knows if I'll make point in making myself sicker.

The new Superman trailer is up and it looks ok I guess. I'm not really a big Superman fan though so I'm a little biased. The story and fx seem like they're going to be good but I'm just not as hyped about it as i am for X3. But DAMN if Brandon Routh(superman) doesn't look like Christopher Reeves! He's so close its scary...creepy scary. Lets hope he doesn't ride horses.

Superman Trailer

Saw the X3 clip from the Leno is Hallie Berry such a big name? She can't act. Hugh is good though.

X3 clip

And I think thats it....yea, I don't think I forgot anything and if I did no one will ever know.

Crap i remembered. I downloaded a bunch of old songs from when I was in middle school because I was feeling nostalgic.

One Week-Barenaked Ladies
Save Tonight-Eagle Eye Cherry
If i could be like that- 3 doors down
the freshman- verve pipe
real world-matchbox twenty
here's to the night- eve 6
closing time- semisonic
basket case- green day
interstate love song- stone temple pilots
one headlight- the wallflowers
glycerine- bush
1979- smashing pumpkins
run around- blues travelers
iv'e seen better days- citizen cane
the world i know- collective soul
tubthumping- chumbawamba
counting blue cars- dishwalla
inside out- eve 6
dreams- the cranberries
the way- fastball
out of my head- fastball
sex and candy- marcy playground
time- hootie and the blowfish
how bizarre- omc
bitch- meredith brooks
loosing my religion- rem
peaches- presidents of the united states of america
all for you- sister hazel
breakfast at tiffanys- deep blue something
smells like teen spirit- nirvana
never let you go- third eye blind
little black backpack- stroke 9

weeeeeeeeeee and now I want the new Goo Goo Dolls cd because they fucking rock and the new cd from what I've listened to so far rocks!!!

and I'm done.