When it rains

What is it about thunderstorms that's so soothing? I slept with my window open last night so I could hear the rain and thunder, it was nice. So nice that I overslept this morning and was an hour late for work. O well, I make up a third of our Marketing department so they didn't care.
I also had the strangest/oddest/most random dream. I don't recall it completley but I know i was running around in like a warehouse trying to come up with a formula that would turn a robot into a human. I think I decided that we'd need to find a dead body and switch their brains out or something. I dream weird.
I also had a dream that irritated the crap out of me. The one girl I've always loved was in it. We broke up a while ago and I've been fine with things but now she's single again and I dunno. I thought I was over her and I try to convince myself that I am but for some reason i still think about her. I havn't tried to call her because I don't know what I would say or anything. There's no way I'd come right out and tell her I want her back, because in all honesty i don't know if I do or not. It's too confusing to put into words really. This is the point where you wish everything was easy and you knew what path to follow. Everything you do reminds you of her, every song you listen to is about her (or at least it seems that way.) I hate sounding crazy, but thats what love does.
It makes you crazy.
Outside it's raining again.
On a side note I jut got a package from Anastasia. The note reads:
"here's hoping that you remember you requested a t-shirt from seattle. :P
Sorry it's so ridiculously late. I tried to find the lamest, most touristy cheap souvenir type there. how did i do?

Now I have a shirt from Seattle, a stuffed Turtle from Michigan, and sand from California! woot!
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What would you like from London, England?
A princess.
Ok, which of the Disney priness's do you like best? I'll send you one of them.
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Snow white lives with 7 midgets so she's out. Sleeping beauty would be easy...nah she's too lazy.
How bout Jasmine, I'll take her magic carpet on a ride alright.
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