Mission Possible

Anyways to the point. After we got back from our 3 mile run this morning my roomates suggested we go see MI:III. I didn't want to because I really didn't care to see it, but since my choices were to go with them or sit home by myself and do nothing I decided I'd go anyways. I figured at least by seeing it I could rip on how terrible it was. Sorry to say I can't rip on it. The movie itself was actually very good. If someone sees it and disagrees, well then kiss my ass. I guess it doesn't take much to entertain me. This was one of the first movies I've seen this year that i actually liked as a whole. Already from the beginning they start you off with action and it never really slows down throughout the entire movie. It is indeed what I'd call fast paced. I'm not going to give a whole review because I don't do those but I will say that the acting was excellent. Laurence Fishburne is great along with Cruise and the rest of the cast. It was weird to see Phillip Hoffman in a more serious role because the only thing I remember him from is Along Came Polly. The action sequences are great, lots of explosions. Poor poor felicity doesn't last very long but she did good with the length of the movie she was in. I'm not going to give anything else away but with all action movies theres usually a twist. One of my roomates figured it out halfway through, me and my feeble mind didn't think of it until the big reveal. o well, I enjoyed it. So if you're thinking about going to see this movie then I say go see it, you won't be dissapointed. And if you are well then scroll up and read the part that says "kiss my ass."
Oh and if you're wondering why there is a picture of Michelle Monaghan, who plays Tom's lover in the movie, up top there it's because she's incredibley hot and I love her. Shut up. Go see the movie.
Also I taught myself how to juggle this past weekend. I rock.
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I havent seen the film yet, and i'm not sure i'll get a chance to anytime soon, but it does sound good.
Now Kellie, Snow Patrol is not tomorrow, its been out since the 1st over here, though I only got it on Sunday. It seems like we actually got something before you. Ha.
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