I'm the Juggernaut Bitch!
Juggy: "I'm the wrong guy to play hide and seek with."
Kitty: "Who's hiding dick head?"
hehe, loved that part.
Ok so for all the bad reviews X3 got there were a few good ones. I personally enjoyed the movie. Sure it wasn't like emmy award winning material, but what comic book movie has been? This will be full of SPOILERS so don't read unless you've either seen the movie or don't give a damn. I suggest you see the movie though, it was worth it. I went at 2:30 and my theatre was packed. Crazy.
Ok so I wasn't sure what to expect with this movie seeing as Brett Ratner directed it. Last night on the tv guide channel they were doing interviews with the cast and they said the script was so secret no one got one except for Halle Barry and Ratner. He kept his in a vault. The other actors just got the pages with their lines as the movie went along. I was a little iffy about the movie if none of the actors were given real scripts but hey, shame on me. Another thing they mentioned in the interview was that 3 different endings were filmed in secret and no one was alloud to talk about the ending if they were in it. I'm curious what all the endings were.

Storm: Halle Barry did well. From the clips I'd seen from the movie she annoyed me. But I gotta say when it's all happening her lines and acting weren't half bad, not nearly as bad as I was thinking. She had a few cool moves, the spinning/flying thing was neat and she definitley used her powers a lot more. The hair didn't make a lot of sense but hey, I'm no hair dresser.

Beast: aka "Furball" Kelsey Grammer was perfect for Beast. The tention between him and Wolverine was fun. He definitley has the perfect voice for the part, and the makeup turned out better then I had thought it would. He had some intense action scenes that kicked major ass.

Cyclopse: Well I definitley got that he was depessed and angry at the world. James is a good actor that's for sure, I liked the rage. He wasn't in the movie very long though, seeing as how he died. Yup that's right kiddies, that Bitch Phoenix kills him. Well combusts is more like it, though one can only assume that's what happens since they never actually showed it. I didn't really care for Cyclopse so the death didn't really hit me. I gave it a "meh."

Wolverine: aka "Boy" Hugh Jackman does it again. Another perfect casting of course. No one else is Womverine in my eyes, nor will they ever be. Wolverine kicked major ass in this movie for sure. Yay for the fastball special, twice even! The end part where he's trying to get to Jean is intense. Great effects that's for sure. Killing the woman you love isn't easy, but he did what had to be done. I salute you.

Colossus: Not a lot of speaking parts. His hair was silver like the rest of his body, makes more sense then black hair like in the comics if you ask me. Aside from the fastball special and beating the crap out of stuff he didn't really do much. Not that I recall at least.

Rouge: She's a girl. She gets jealous. She leaves. That's her entire role. She left to get the cure so she could get it on with iceman. She claims it's what she wanted but we all know she just wants to mac on Bobby.

Iceman: Cooooooool. Pun intended. Best part was when he went head to head with Pyro. Pyro had the upper hand and pretty much had Bobby on fire, and the whole time I was sitting there I knew what was coming. Full on Iceman! Yea, that rocked.

Kitty Pride: Weeeeeeeee. She's a fun one. Cute too. I think she was like 14 or 15? Anyways I liked her. Best part of course was when she was chasing down Juggernaut. She grabs him and pulls him into the floor, and I knew this was coming! "Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut Bitch!" and then he breaks the floor and continues his rampage, yay. Favorite line of course was "Who's hiding dick head." It got a laugh from pretty much everyone. Another funny part was when her and Bobby jumped out of the jet and went through the ground. Bobby replied "don't ever do that again." another laugh.

Angel: One cool scene and thats it. Angel is my favorite X-men and he was hardley in the movie at all. He was cool, wings seemed a tad fake but thats ok, it didn't really upset me. More Angel! That is all.

Phoenix: One word. BADASS. Or is that two words? Her powers were crazy, I love Famke Janson!! She had great facial expressions, you don't need dialouge with those. When she was angry, you could tell. Bitch killed Xavier. That was the only death out of the entire movie that got ot me. I was shocked, my mouth was litterly hanging open. When she first toys with him my initial reaction was "no...he'll be fine...she can't kill him..." and then..."oh shit...she did!" Talk about crazy.
The three people that loose their powers are Mystique, Rouge, and Magneto. Or does he? You'll see what I mean by the ending. The three people that die are Scott, Jean, and Xavier. Stay for after the credits though and you'll get a surprise. Xavier's alive it seems, but in a different body. I didn't understand it at first until I remembered back to earlier in the movie when he was talking to doctor Moira about Ethics and all that.
Overall I enjoyed it. I'm sure there's going to be some people that are pissed off but I wasn't. I think Brett Ratner did an excellent job and I commend him for it. I'm not saying it was perfect but I was still damn happy with how it turned out. If anyone says it's pure garbage they're lying. I'm not sure how fans of the comics will react but I liked it. Angel should of been in it for more then he was. So yea I'm pleased. I'll most likely see it again this weekend with my roomates as well. It's worth it.
Yeah, I enjoyed it too, although yeaaah - not Emmy-award winning at all. And yeah, apparently the script thing also went down for X2.
I can understand why they would keep it hidden, especially when all the actors have to hit up the live talk shows.
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